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The Aveuglami project
Frequently Asked Questions
Folding Sheets

Welcome to the Aveuglami project website

Through this site, you will discover the Aveuglami project , its achievements and its projects.
This site is aimed at visually impaired people, particularly the blind, who wish to discover the world of paper folding (origami).
It may also be of interest to anyone who wishes to embark on the adventure of teaching origami to people with visual disabilities.
It's an extraordinary adventure, which holds very strong moments.
You will find a collection of models presented in the form of folding sheets containing text only.
These sheets are designed as a memory aid, and are therefore intended rather for origamists who already have experience with their skills. learned to fold a given model and who want to do it again.
A question? a comment? a suggestion? write to me: Michel LUCAS

Good visit!

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The Aveuglami project is supported by the MFPP (French Movement of Paper Folders)